Home and on the Way Blog

Home and on the Way Home and on the Way

Montessori Play 21-24 Months

If you’ve been here before you might know for a while I was doing these monthly. I realized it wasn’t sustainable but also I can share way more about the progression to share on a three-month basis. There was so much learning between 21 and 24 months and I look forward to jumping in and talking about it! He was really into shelf work this month including some activities such as shape sorters and puzzles he hadn’t particularly loved in the past. Instead of simply going through our shelf since we had a few rotations during this time, I am going to discuss several categories: puzzles, matching, color matching, and fine motor work.

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Home and on the Way Home and on the Way

Two Weeks as a Mom of Two (Under 2)

Two weeks is not a particularly long amount of time, I acknowledge that. However, I feel we have settled in a bit in the past two weeks and I want to record some of my reflections on this time. The first weeks with a newborn are intense and I know the details of these days will someday be forgotten. I will transition, I hope, someday to three and then more than that, but the transition to two is unique in many ways.

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