Home and on the Way Blog

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Best Board Games for 2-Year-Olds

Can a 2-year-old play a board game? Absolutely! We have had so much fun playing board games with my second two-year-old in our family. When my son was 2 we pretty much only played First Orchard but this time we have explored many more games.

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Arctic Pre-K Unit Study

If you are planning an Arctic unit study I would venture to guess it is probably winter. This is a funny realization to me because while obviously Arctic animals are around all year, most of us find ourselves planning these unit studies when it is cold where we live. For us we set out on an Arctic unit study in January and February.

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The Best Board Games for 3-Year-Olds

If you think board games for 3-year-olds are boring, keep reading this post. You are not stuck just playing Candyland for hours. In recent years a treasure trove of wonderful board games for toddlers and preschoolers has appeared. It has been nearly a year since I wrote a blog post with some of our favorite 3-year-old board games. Since then we have tried so many more. This blog post is going to review every game we have played with my 3-year-old.

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The Best Books for Early Readers

Welcome to one of the most amazing stages: moving on from decodable books to authentic texts! This truly has been one of the most fun milestones for us. I wrote a post on our favorite decodable books and many posts about our reading journey. Now I am sharing books we have loved now that we have completed phonics instruction and my son can read almost any word.

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Why You Should Use Visual Recipes with Your Toddler

A little over two years ago I thought of the idea of developing visual recipes for my toddler. These recipes gave him more independence in the kitchen, made cooking together more fun, and taught him many pre-academic skills. Read here for why and how to introduce visual recipes to your toddler.

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Lovevery Reading Skills Set Review

Since the Lovevery reading skills set was released I think this has been my most asked question! Almost daily I get someone asking what I think about the Lovevery reading skills set-even before I got it myself. I bought this set with my own money. This is review covers our experience with the Lovevery reading skills set.

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Favorite Books About Birds for Preschoolers

Looking for books about birds for your toddler or preschooler? This list has our favorite books about birds. It includes some fiction and some nonfiction, providing a wonderful addition to a unit study on birds or simply to have some more beautiful literature in your home.

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Space Pre-K Unit Study

To begin our 3K year we blasted into space! I decided to start us with a planets, solar system, space unit. My son didn’t know much about space and I wasn’t sure how much of a hit it would be. It turned out to be a massive hit and now my son wants to read, learn, do everything to do with space. In this blog post I am going to share the space activities we did in our Montessori-inspired homeschool PreK.

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Books About Space for Preschoolers

We recently completed a space unit and, wow, it was incredible. My son absolutely loved learning about space and even though we have moved on to apples, we will definitely be returning to space for some more learning as well. For us the spine of any unit is books. Books were actually part of what inspired me to choose space as our topic.

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Montessori Activities for 2.5-Year-Olds (30-36 Months)

Compiling this blog post shocked me. We did a lot more shelf work between 2.5 and 3 than I thought we had! Shelf work has never been the center of our Montessori home (that would be cooking!) but it has always been one of the learning tools that we use in our home. This blog post shares some of our favorite Montessori shelf-work activities for 2.5 to 3-year-olds. Of course, every child varies in interest and abilities.

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Pre-K Curriculum Picks for My 3-Year-Old

If you have a 3-year-old at home rest assured, you do not need a curriculum. A few months ago I would have been rolling my eyes hearing I was sharing curriculum picks for my 3-year-old. Heck, I have a blog post draft on here (that I’m glad I never posted!) talking about our plan not to use a formal curriculum. I don’t really even think of 3 as Pre-K considering there is in fact a whole other year PRE-Kindergarten. But it turns out that around 3, my son became very interested in a bit more formal academics. Go figure. We’re not talking sit down and do worksheets academics (though, not going to lie, as much as I don’t, he does enjoy worksheets sometimes) but we are talking about some academics that give us some structure to our day and teach some of those foundational concepts.

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Best First Chapter Book Read Alouds

Around when my son turned 3 I decided I wanted to dive into some chapter books with him. He has a very long attention span for books and it seemed like a great next step for us. We have read some truly wonderful literature in the last five or so months. I feel that this has helped him expand some of his listening comprehension and focus for longer stories. Along the way we have read some books we’ve treasured together and found some that were misses. This post will share some of our favorites along with notes on the ones that were misses for us.

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Incorporating Math in the Kitchen with a Preschooler

If you’ve been around here for a while you likely know my passion for involving children in everyday life, particularly cooking in the kitchen. So naturally I am always thinking of all the ways to incorporate learning there. A big one is math. For reference, my son is 3-years-old.

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All About Reading Review [Review of AAR with a 3-Year-Old]

I started All About Reading Level 1 with my son a few months ago. We flew through level 1 and we are now a decent number of lessons into level 3 (I had to edit that sentence multiple times as I started this blog post a full level ago….). I wanted to share my review and some thoughts on the program. We are definitely unconventional All About Reading (AAR) users so I thought our experience might be helpful to some.

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Best Beginner Reader Decodable Books

Do you have a beginner reader? Have you heard of Bob books but wondering if there is something just a bit more engaging? I am here to tell you (with a resounding yes) that there is! This blog post shares some of our favorite decodable books for beginner readers!

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Why and How I Taught My 3-Year-Old to Read

When people find out my son (who is around 3 and a quarter) is reading I naturally get a lot of questions about how I taught him to read so young. But I also think there's a more important first question. Why teach a 3-year-old to read? I do not think 3-year-olds need to be reading and this is why I do not talk about my son’s reading very frequently. This blog post covers the why and how of teaching my son to read at 3.

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Teaching My Toddler to Read, Step 1: Pre-Reading

The first step to reading for all children is developing pre-reading skills. This blog post covers all activities we did before he showed any interest in actual reading and these are activities I would consider developmentally appropriate for many children starting around 2 or 2.5. A child does not need to have any interest in the alphabet to build some of the foundational skills that will be useful when they start to show interest in reading. When I am asked how to introduce the alphabet to a young toddler I generally steer people to instead start here.

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Montessori Language Work: Matching Activities

My daughter just turned 18 months and has entered into the stage of one of my absolute favorite Montessori activities: matching. I give her small animals for her to match with a photo of the animal. My son loved object to picture matching like this from about 18 months to 2.5. At 3 we still use them to teach new language as part of unit studies.

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Favorite Gardening-Themed Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers

This spring as we prepared a garden I decided to do a bit of a gardening book rotation as well. I went on a search for books about gardening that captured the magic of seeds becoming plants and the patience required. This reinforced our hands-on learning as we planted the seeds. These books became some of my favorites I have added to our library. My three-year-old loved these and I highly recommend adding them to your bookshelf.

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What is a Pikler Triangle? (and our favorites)

If you’ve been around parenting Instagram you may have seen a Pikler triangle in a playroom. It is a large, usually foldable, ladder-type climbing device. Sometimes it is referred to as a “Montessori climbing triangle” BUT it actually isn’t Montessori. Check out this blog post for all the information about the Pikler triangle, why we love it, and which ones we recommend!

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