Our Montessori and respectful parenting journey at home and on the way.
Since the Lovevery reading skills set was released I think this has been my most asked question! Almost daily I get someone asking what I think about the Lovevery reading skills set-even before I got it myself. I bought this set with my own money. This is review covers our experience with the Lovevery reading skills set.
Looking for books about birds for your toddler or preschooler? This list has our favorite books about birds. It includes some fiction and some nonfiction, providing a wonderful addition to a unit study on birds or simply to have some more beautiful literature in your home.
To begin our 3K year we blasted into space! I decided to start us with a planets, solar system, space unit. My son didn’t know much about space and I wasn’t sure how much of a hit it would be. It turned out to be a massive hit and now my son wants to read, learn, do everything to do with space. In this blog post I am going to share the space activities we did in our Montessori-inspired homeschool PreK.
My Products
This guide provides 12 visual recipes designed especially for toddlers (well tested by my toddler) and written recipes for the grown-up. Recipes include no added sugar cookies, smoothies, guacamole, playdough, caramelized fruit, and more. It also includes over 150 ingredients, materials, and actions involved in cooking, a blank recipe template, and a visual shopping list. The ingredients, materials, and actions are Montessori-aligned using real photos. These can be used for language work and matching as well. This is a digital download. No physical product will be sent and since it is a digital download refunds are not accepted.
Bring beloved children’s books to life with visual recipes! The Book and Cook guide highlights 15 favorite children’s books, featuring a corresponding recipes for each one. These recipes are designed to allow your toddler to take the lead in the kitchen. They develop multiple pre-reading skills but use photos, making them accessible to young children who are not yet reading. Books featured include old classics like The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Blueberries for Sal along with modern classics such as The Bear Ate Your Sandwich. This is a digital download of visual recipes. Books are not included. No physical product will be sent.
About to welcome a new sibling and want to prepare your toddler? These are two Canva templates of the social stories we used to prepare my son for the birth of my daughter. You will receive a PDF with instructions and links to two Canva templates. You need a Canva account to access them. The templates can be used with a free account. There are some features that may not be fully available with the free account but would be with a free trial. No physical product will be sent. No returns accepted on digital products.
Our Favorite Products
These links are affiliate links. That means I get a small commission if you shop using my links. It does not change your price.
Our Amazon Storefront
Shop our favorite products on Amazon. You will find many of the items we use, love, and share on Instagram here.
Our Learning Tower
He joins us at the counter with our learning tower. We also love our floor table and floor beds. OnTheWay10 gives 10% off.
Our Pikler
We have the jumbo Pikler. 10% off it or anything else from RAD Children’s furniture with the code OnTheWay.
Our Favorite Toys
We have been Lovevery subscribers since Yitzchak’s birth and love all of their items. Nearly all of our toys are from Lovevery.
Our Outdoor Gear
All the gear we use to get outside no matter the weather including rain gear, warm weather gear, and layers.
Our Art Table
The small table we use for art and activities in the playroom. Also where we got bath supplies and our mobile hanger.
Top Blog Posts
This post has been a long time coming since I did my cooking with toddler series several months ago. Knives are an exciting tool for toddlers to use if introduced safely. Of course with all the tools I will discuss you should supervise your child closely. These tools are toddler-safe only when supervised. This post goes through how we introduced knives from 14 months through the knives he uses now at 2.5. It also discusses some of the progression of skills with the knives we introduced to our toddler.
Are you considering a Montessori floor bed? You’ve come to the right place! This post goes through why you should choose a Montessori floor bed and the best options on the market. Put simply, a Montessori floor bed refers to a low bed for a baby or toddler to use instead of a crib. They are lower than a toddler bed so that younger babies can safely use them.
My number one recommendation to purchase for cooking with toddlers is a learning tower or sous chef tower. These are a classic in the Montessori world because they allow toddlers to become more active participants in cooking. This item is, without question, our most loved baby item behind possibly the baby wrap.
How we hacked our Ikea play kitchen into a Montessori functional kitchen for our one-year-old! He loves the running water!
A little over two years ago I thought of the idea of developing visual recipes for my toddler. These recipes gave him more independence in the kitchen, made cooking together more fun, and taught him many pre-academic skills. Read here for why and how to introduce visual recipes to your toddler.