Home and on the Way Blog
Space Pre-K Unit Study
To begin our 3K year we blasted into space! I decided to start us with a planets, solar system, space unit. My son didn’t know much about space and I wasn’t sure how much of a hit it would be. It turned out to be a massive hit and now my son wants to read, learn, do everything to do with space. In this blog post I am going to share the space activities we did in our Montessori-inspired homeschool PreK.
Pre-K Curriculum Picks for My 3-Year-Old
If you have a 3-year-old at home rest assured, you do not need a curriculum. A few months ago I would have been rolling my eyes hearing I was sharing curriculum picks for my 3-year-old. Heck, I have a blog post draft on here (that I’m glad I never posted!) talking about our plan not to use a formal curriculum. I don’t really even think of 3 as Pre-K considering there is in fact a whole other year PRE-Kindergarten. But it turns out that around 3, my son became very interested in a bit more formal academics. Go figure. We’re not talking sit down and do worksheets academics (though, not going to lie, as much as I don’t, he does enjoy worksheets sometimes) but we are talking about some academics that give us some structure to our day and teach some of those foundational concepts.