Home and on the Way Blog

Home and on the Way Home and on the Way

Montessori Newborn Play 0-3 Months

I love Montessori in the newborn stage because it is a real reminder of what Montessori is actually about. It’s not about the toys, but about following the child and showing them respect. So much of the newborn stage is responding to their needs, getting to know them as a unique person, holding them when they ask, narrating our actions before we move their bodies. The most important “toy” to a newborn is you. Looking in their eyes and talking is one of the most enriching activities.

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Home and on the Way Home and on the Way

Montessori Newborn Activities

With my newly minted one-year-old I have found myself reflecting a lot on the last year and where we started with Montessori a year ago. I love talking about Montessori for newborns because it is so simple but also something people really don’t think of when they think of Montessori. I thought I would share some ways to practice Montessori with your newborn.

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