Home and on the Way Blog

Home and on the Way Home and on the Way

Introducing First Montessori Puzzles

We have been loving puzzles around here lately. Now that I have introduced all of our Montessori single-piece puzzles and we are moving on to multiple pieces I thought I would do a post on how we introduced them. As with all materials in Montessori we started with it in its simplest form.

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Home and on the Way Home and on the Way

Our Montessori Shelf at 11 Months

Interest in shelf work has really taken off this month. At 10 months Yitzchak was almost exclusively interested in gross motor work and being held. This month he began ball posting in his object permanence box, stacking things, and putting the rings on the ring stacker.

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Home and on the Way Home and on the Way

Favorite Activities 6-12 Months

Finding activities for babies can be difficult! Check out this compilation of all our favorite activities we have done since 6 months!

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