Reasons to Get Outside with Babies- with Wanderlust Family Retreats

Getting outdoors is an important part of Montessori and our home

This post is sponsored by Wanderlust Family Retreats. All opinions are my own.

They say the days are long, but the years are short. As I recently experienced my son’s first birthday I feel this in every part of my being. It feels like the last year flew by as fragmented nights blended into busy yet somehow also eventless days. Don’t get me wrong, I have loved the first year, but it flew way too fast. It also had many hard moments that made the days end in exhaustion. I can’t believe my baby has entered toddlerhood.

One reflection I made was that our best moments were spent outside. We took a long National Park trip and thinking through the first year, watching sunrise at the Grand Canyon, a screen-free hike through Yellowstone, and a sunrise hike at Arches were among my best memories. Simpler times were too, though. Walking around with him as he napped, doing tummy time outdoors, and watching his early crawling outdoors were all wonderful memories. The pandemic has been hard on all of us, but in some ways, I am grateful for how it shaped my parenting. It encouraged me to get outdoors with my baby early and often. Yitzchak loves the outdoors so getting outdoors is something we will always prioritize.

There are so many benefits of the outdoors with babies. I am sharing a few below!

This post is sponsored by Wanderlust Family Retreats. Wanderlust Family Retreats is offering the getaway we all crave. They know the importance of the outdoors and of the ability to disconnect from the world and reconnect with our children outside. They are providing a holistic wellness retreat for mothers and their children. If you, like me, have no interest in leaving your child to go away, this retreat is perfect. There will be fitness opportunities, hikes, farm-to-table food, and Montessori/forest school-inspired childcare. All of this is taking place in a gorgeous location in the Catskills in upstate New York. They are running two retreats in June: June 6-9 and June 13-16.

  1. The Outdoors is Calming

    Have you ever taken a crying baby outside only to have them suddenly calm? It is an incredible experience and one I felt lucky enough to experience many times during the first year. It felt like there was a sort of magic the moment you stepped outside. Time outdoors also leads to better sleep, win-win!

  2. Sensory Input

    Feeling the different textures and temperatures. Hearing the different sounds. Smelling the different smells. All of these provide a rich sensory experience without overwhelming the system. Nature truly is one big sensory bin. Bonus points for experiencing it barefoot!

  3. Gross Motor Challenges

    Whether a baby is a crawler or a walker or a climber, the outdoors offers gross motor challenges. A baby who is crawling outside experiences the slope of the ground, natural obstacles, and different textures on the ground, all of which refine his gross motor ability.

  4. Vitamin D

    The sun provides natural vitamin D, a vitamin essential to the body, and boosts mood!

  5. A connection with nature

    I want my child to be connected to nature. To feel a connection with nature you need to experience nature. I have such wonderful memories of nature as a child, of running through the forest and making forts in the trees. I want the same for my children too. Getting outdoors and building memories outdoors creates that deep connection.

For these reasons and many more I prioritize outdoor time with my son. This year we are logging our hours outside for the 1,000 Hours Outside challenge. We make sure to spend some time outside every dy.

I am so grateful that the childcare at Wanderlust Family Retreats is a mix of Montessori and forest school principles. I am raising my son in a Montessori home, but getting outdoors is incredibly important to me too. Knowing he will spend a lot of time outdoors on this retreat makes me incredibly excited. I am so glad he will be able to have more time outdoors to reap all the amazing benefits!

For those of us who became parents amidst the pandemic, I believe this retreat will be even more valuable. Motherhood can be lonely at times. Motherhood amidst a global pandemic is lonely in deeper ways. This retreat offers an opportunity to connect with other like-minded mothers while simultaneously connecting with our children and ourselves. Wanderlust Family Retreats is a small business founded, owned, and operated by a toddler mom working a full-time job. Their team is all mothers, making them relate to and understand all the challenges and joys motherhood brings.

I cannot think of a better place to refresh and reconnect with myself, my son, and other mothers than on a retreat centered around time outdoors. Especially as city-dwellers, intentionally spending a good chunk of time outdoors is essential to our health and wellness.

Are you interested in joining me on the retreat? I would love to have you. Code HOMEANDONTHEWAY10 gives you 10% off! If you cannot join this year 2023 dates will be released this spring. 2023 retreats will be in Catskills, NY and Cape Cod, MA.

For more information about the retreat out their website at or find them on Instagram @wanderlustfamilyretreats


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