Our Montessori Shelf at 13 Months

Our Montessori Shelf at 13 months

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At the start of the month, it was looking like Yitzchak had lost interest in shelf work again. He was learning to walk and naturally a lot of his focus was going towards gross motor development. However, partway through the month, he became very interested in shelfwork again, particularly a few specific pieces. We got our new Lovevery box partway through the month and it had a few pieces he was very excited about.

Bedroom Montessori Shelf

On his bedroom Montessori shelf we kept his rainbow drum and basket of balls on top. The rainbow drum has been a longtime favorite. It is rarely used now but does get occasional use. Since he cannot reach the top shelf so effectively to get down a tray of materials, it is a good item for us to keep up there. He is able to reach the balls and grab them out when he wants.

On the next shelf, we have his peg drop. This is a challenging material from his last Lovevery box. He has still not mastered it. It includes three steps: posting the pegs, pulling the lever on the side to allow the pegs to drop, then resetting it. Next to that is a new stacker flexible dowel from Lovevery. We replaced the cone stacker with this stacker partway through the month. He is very much enjoying it. Finally, on that shelf, we have three blocks. He has been working on stacking blocks and making small towers.

On the bottom shelf, we have the shape sorter from Tiny Earth Toys ($15 off with promo code ONTHE WAY). This is also a challenging material that he has not yet mastered. He is able to get the ball in consistently but is still working on getting the other shapes in consistently. Next, we have his multi-piece puzzle. At the beginning of the month I was giving him two separate single-piece puzzles together then near the end of the month we switched to the multipiece puzzle. He is still figuring this one out and it will likely be a while before it is mastered. He is showing a lot of interest in working on it though.

Next to the shelf we have his new ball run which he loves. This ball run is pretty unique to Lovevery and a real favorite. We love how it has different openings on the bottom for him to experiment with.

Our living room Montessori shelf

Our Living Room Montessori Shelf

On the top shelf of our living room Montessori shelf we still have his teethers. These are out for him to use whenever he needs something to bite (we have been getting molars in around here). Next to it, I have canisters with play scarves and crinkle paper in them. He has been loving opening and closing canisters recently so that has been a hit.

On the bottom shelf, we have his favorite activity of the month: carrot posting. This came in his most recent Lovevery box and he is a huge fan. He does it over and over again and again. I started by introducing the coin drop but he is enjoying this a lot more. I will probably introduce the coin drop next month.

Finally, we have another stacker here. This one also has a flexible dowel and Yitzchak enjoys doing it regularly.

Off the Shelf Play

As I mentioned earlier Yitzchak started walking this month. We took our first child-led walk. He also is loving climbing on his Pikler and at the playground.

In practical life, he has been helping us empty the dishwasher. He hands me the silverware and I put it away. He is also enjoying playing with a broom. While visiting my parents we started having him water some plants. This was a great way to introduce pouring outside where we did not care that he got water everywhere. Finally, he is transferring objects so we have had him move vegetables from the cutting board to the skillet.

He still loves his new Toniebox. I wrote a review on our experience earlier. We also introduced cymbals this month after he was showing interest in banging two puzzle pieces together.

We have a few favorite DIY activities this month as well. He has been loving everyday puzzles such as putting a top on and off a container and matching pot and pan tops to bottoms. We also have been doing a lot of vertical play with blue painter’s tape where he pulls it off the wall.

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